Choose your car insurance deductibles and coverages well
We need car insurance to fit into our budget. 但除此之外,我们中的许多人仍然会问自己,“我应该买什么样的汽车pp王者电子官网。?" The key is knowing what deductibles and coverages are and how they affect auto insurance 这样你就可以根据你的需求和预算来个性化你的pp王者电子官网范围.
What is a deductible in car insurance?
简单地说,免赔额是你同意为承保的pp王者电子官网索赔预先支付的金额. Then the insurance company, in most cases, 包括额外的金额,以维修或更换您的车辆,以您的pp王者电子官网限额.
For example, if you file an insurance claim for $2,000 and your policy has a $500 deductible, you will be responsible for the $500 before the remaining $1,500 is paid by your insurer.
How do car insurance deductibles work?
购买汽车pp王者电子官网时,你可以选择免赔额. The deductible usually applies each time you file a claim. According to WalletHub, the most common deductible is $500. When choosing your car insurance deductible, 考虑一下,如果你需要索赔,你愿意自掏腰包支付多少钱. 权衡一下,更高的免赔额通常意味着更低的保费, but higher out of pocket costs. And lower deductibles generally translate to higher premiums. 这真的取决于你的经济状况和什么让你最舒服. 你可以要求你的pp王者电子官网代理人提供不同免赔额的报价,这样你就可以比较并为你做出最好的选择.
汽车pp王者电子官网单一般包括几种险别. Because insurance laws vary from state to state, 下面的信息为您提供了典型pp王者电子官网的概览, and it isn't a statement of contract.
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Want to protect your car?
Auto liability
Auto liability insurance coverage, with limits selected by the insured, 如果你对伤害他人负有法律责任,你会赔偿损失, or for damaging another vehicle (or other property) in an auto crash. A liability deductible is not required.
Auto liability coverage falls into two categories:
- Bodily injury liability:医疗费、痛苦、工资损失和其他特殊损害赔偿
- Property damage liability: damaged property and may include loss of use
Liability coverage also pays legal defense and court costs. 州法律通常规定所需的最低pp王者电子官网金额, but higher amounts are available.
Personal injury protection (PIP)
This coverage is only available in certain states. 它支付你(或其他受保司机)因车祸而产生的合理和必要的医疗费用. It may also pay for:
- Rehabilitation
- Lost earnings
- Replacement of services (e.g., child care if a parent is disabled)
- Funeral expenses
The coverage and deductibles can vary by state and specific policy.
Medical payments
This coverage is available in many states. 它支付必要的医疗和丧葬费用,如果费用是由车祸造成的. Medical payments coverage varies by state and specific policy. Medical payments coverage does not require a deductible.
Collision coverage 帮助赔偿因以下原因导致的车辆碰撞造成的损失或损害,通常需要免赔额:
- Collision with another vehicle
- Collision with an object
This coverage helps pay for loss of or damage to an insured, 非因碰撞或车辆侧翻造成的受保车辆. Examples of this type of damage or loss include:
- Fire
- Wind
- Hail
- Flood
- Vandalism
- Theft
- Hitting an animal
Comprehensive coverage 你的汽车pp王者电子官网通常需要一个免赔额,但某些政策可能没有免赔额.
Uninsured motorist
如果您或其他受保人在车祸中受伤或行人被没有责任险的司机撞倒,该pp王者电子官网将赔偿损害. In some states, it may also pay for property damage. The coverage varies by state and depends upon policy provisions. This coverage does not typically require a deductible. 未投保的驾驶人的pp王者电子官网范围以被pp王者电子官网人选择的政策限额为准.
Underinsured motorist
如果您或其他被pp王者电子官网人在车祸中受伤,或在行人中被另一名被视为pp王者电子官网不足的司机撞倒,该pp王者电子官网将支付损害赔偿. It varies by state and depends upon policy provisions. 投保不足的驾驶者的pp王者电子官网范围受被pp王者电子官网人选择的政策限制.
Rental reimbursement
如果您的汽车因承保损失而无法使用,该pp王者电子官网将支付租车费用. Daily allowances are based on the coverage you select.
Emergency road service
Roadside assistance pp王者电子官网支付路边援助,如你的汽车因故障被拖走或回到你锁着的车里.
Rideshare driver coverage
这项pp王者电子官网扩展了您现有的个人汽车pp王者电子官网,当您需要pp王者电子官网时,它将为您提供pp王者电子官网 use your personal vehicle to drive for a rideshare company such as Lyft or Uber. 覆盖范围因州而异,并且可能适用一些州特定的要求.
How much car insurance do I need?
Unfortunately, there's no black and white answer to how much car insurance you need. 这在很大程度上取决于你需要什么样的pp王者电子官网,以及你觉得舒服的免赔额或pp王者电子官网限额. The State Farm® Personal Price Plan®可以帮助您创建一个负担得起的价格(只为您),或者您可以联系 State Farm agent today to find out what's right for you.1